Computers play a key role in how individuals work and how they live. Even the smallest organizations have computers to help them operate more efficiently, and many individuals use computers at home for educational, entertainment, and business purposes. In this session, you will learn the basics about computers, the history of computers, the different categories of computers, hardware and software, and maintaining your computer. You will also learn about computer applications in education and explore various technology issues that are related to computers such as security, privacy and ethics.
Categories of Computers
Personal computers
Personal computers are desktop computers designed for an individual's use. They run programs designed to help individuals accomplish their work more productively.

Servers are not designed to be used directly. They make programs and data available for people hooked up to a computer network, a collection of computers connected together so that they can exchange data.

Minicomputers are multi-user systems that can handle the computing needs of a smaller corporation or organization. Many people use them simultaneously by means of remote terminals or personal computers.

Personal computers
Mainframes are huge, multi-user systems designed to handle gigantic processing jobs in large corporations or government agencies.

Supercomputers are ultra fast computers designed to process hugh amounts of scientific data then display the underlying patterns that have been discovered.

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